Objectives for Societal Empowerment and Development

  1. Facilitate public understanding of societal deprivation’s critical features and factors to foster awareness.
  2. Explore and utilize indigenous potentials and local resources for sustainable initiatives.
  3. Strengthen local government institutions by ensuring community participation.
  4. Educate the target population on the importance of participation in local initiatives for their involvement in designing, planning, and implementing development programs autonomously.
  5. Combat drug abuse, HIV/AIDS, and promote an anti-tobacco and anti-drug environment.
  6. Safeguard the rights and privileges of marginalized groups, including deprived women, children, minorities, and the underprivileged.
  7. Mobilize communities to create social movements against anti-social activities, dowry, cruelty to women, injustices, discrimination, and other societal vices.
  8. Provide services and development assistance to the deserving poor and distressed individuals, particularly widows, divorced women, orphans, destitute, and handicapped.
  9. Undertake Income Generating Activities (IGAs), promote savings among target groups, and foster micro-entrepreneurship to alleviate poverty and empower the distressed and the poor towards self-reliance.
  10. Plan and execute sustainable development programs encompassing non-formal education, adult literacy, functional education, promotion of health services, water supply & sanitation, social forestry, home street gardening, and nursery development.
  11. Develop human resources through organizing training, workshops, seminars, etc., for staff and other partners.
  12. Provide maternity health care services.
  13. Undertake activities for disaster preparedness, relief, and rehabilitation.
  14. Reduce gender discrimination in society and encourage women’s participation in decision-making processes.
  15. Advocate for establishing the rights of women, children, and farmers through advocacy.
  16. Intervene to maintain biodiversity, protect natural resources, and control environmental and sound pollution.
  17. Engage in activities for moral development and ensure democratic practices at the grassroots level.
  18. Promote networks, alliances, and partnerships with various agencies and organizations on various issues.


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